Clark’s Landscape is proud to offer lawn care service in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We believe, that if properly cared for, a lawn can last forever. In this day of “built-in obsolescence,” that’s pretty cool to consider. The key phrase, however, is “properly cared for.” What that means is consistent and correct lawn care. The right services, treatments, equipment, procedures, and timing. That is just what Clark’s provides. Free yourself from the worry, problems, and lost time trying to maintain your lawn. With affordable maintenance & lawn care services in Grand Rapids and surrounding West Michigan, let Clark’s give you a great-looking and healthy lawn along with time out of the busyness that you and your family live every day. It’s time to enjoy the best time of the year in Michigan, Summer!
Clark's Landscape is now offering Lawn Maintenance Services in Grand Rapids MI & Surrounding Areas!
Lawn Maintenance Services
Clark’s Landscape offers a variety of scheduled landscape maintenance services throughout West Michigan and its surrounding areas. We want to help keep your landscape looking beautiful from Spring through the Fall. Our landscape maintenance services will keep your plants and trees looking healthy and thriving for all to see. We offer several services to fit a variety of needs:

Scheduled Lawn Mowing
Our lawn care services include mowing, trimming, blowing, and edging. Each season is typically 26 weeks. Weekly mowing, trimming around obstacles, blowing off grass clippings. Monthly edging of sidewalks to maintain a neat appearance. Curbs every 6 weeks. Grass clippings are blown into the grass to recycle the nutrients back into the lawn while keeping it neat and clean.

Spring Clean-Up
Spring Clean-up is hardly ever fun, and it can take a lot of time getting your yard summer ready. We offer spring lawncare maintenance for you in the Grand Rapids and surrounding areas. Our spring clean up services Include clean-up of fallen leaves, twigs, and yard debris. Let us help give your yard the boost it needs to thrive throughout the entire warm weather season.

Fall Clean-Up
It's important to get your lawn ready for the cold Michigan winters every year. Clark's Landscaping offers a fall clean-up service to help you get prepared. Includes clean-up of fallen leaves, twigs, yard debris, and cutting back of perennials (may require multiple visits). Let us tackle the big job of getting your yard ready for the next season. We have years of experience and a reputation for excellence.

Plants are always growing. We prune using horticultural correct techniques at the proper time to keep your trees and bushed properly shaped and full. We will remove dead and dying branches and stubs, which will allow for new growth and help protect your property and passerby from damage. Not to mention it's great to help deter pests and animal infestation and promotes the plant's natural shape and healthy growth.

General Horticultural Service
Sometimes you don't have a landscape project that requires design. Sometimes you just need a couple of guys to do misc work, and that's what our general horticultural service is for. For $495 you get the services of two knowledgeable landscape crew for 4 hours each (8 man hours). They'll work in your yard in any professional capacity to accomplish whichever task you'd like.

Weeding is one of the most important practices for many plants. Weeds compete with main plants for different factors such as water, sunlight, nutrients, and space. Few people like to weed. Don't let this happen to your yard and let Clark's come out and keep your yard looking fresh and weed free!

Mulching provides soil moisture control, temperature control, nutrients, and beauty. It's important to mulch new plantings to make sure they stay happy and healthy.

Lawn Weeding & Feeding
This Program includes weed and crabgrass control plus special long-lasting slow-release fertilizers applied 4-5 times as selected. This service is performed by our partners at Weed & Feed Lawn Care LLC.
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Lawn Maintenance Services in Grand Rapids Michigan!

Lawn Aeration
Available only with Lawn Weeding & Feeding. This process punches holes through the heavy thatch layers to help fertilizers and water reach the depths of your grass roots. This process is very important in heavy soils and older lawns.
Performed by our friends at Week & Feed Lawn Care LLC

Grub/Mole Control
Available only with the Lawn Weeding and Feeding. Grubs weaken your lawn by eating its root system and are an important food supply for moles. By eliminating grubs, moles have few reasons to remain in your yard tearing it up and making a mess. Your Lawn will be healthier and better looking in no time.
Performed by our friends at Weed & Feed Lawn Care LLC

Outside Insect Control
Available only with Lawn Weeding & Feeding. Five applications of preventative insect spray to keep bees, ants, and spiders away form the perimeter of your home.
Performed by our friends at Weed & Feed Lawn Care LLC

Lawn Ant Control
Available only with the Lawn Weeding & Feeding. Two applications of ant spray to control colonies in your lawn.
Performed by our friends at Weed & Feed Lawn Care LLC