Fall Clean Up Services in Michigan
Fall has quickly arrived and surely will be gone just as quickly as it has come. Leaves are beginning to fall and cloud your lawn and landscape with heaps of orange color; and although fall is a favorite time of year for many West Michiganders, it also requires a lot of sacrifice and time to keep your home looking pristine throughout the shedding of the tree coats. Not to mention it’s time to start thinking about getting your landscape ready for snowfall. BUT fall is not over yet! Although we have seen snow and rain, you might find your yard still a little bit littered with those fallen leaves. Maybe you don’t have the time to get them cleaned up, maybe you just don’t want to clean them up, or maybe, you have made a few clean-up efforts already, but you still are finding yourself with a few leftover leaves just hanging out.

Clark’s Landscape understands the value of your time and wants to give that time back to you this fall. Our fall clean-up services in Michigan will give you back some of your valued time so that you can enjoy this year’s fall THAT much more. Our professionals will come to your home 2-3 times throughout the season to make sure that your yard is completely ready for the winter.
Our Fall Clean Up Services Include:
End of Season Landscape Cleanup & Cutting
Cutting back your perennials is important for the growth of your plants and landscape for the following year. When you cut back your perennials, you allow for new healthy growth to flourish the following spring, although, cutting back your perennials may not drastically HURT your plant’s growth for the following year, you are allowing the new growth to spring forth with no old growth to hold it back. We will come to your home and cut back the necessary perennials so that the following spring your landscape can flourish to its full potential and create a beautiful landscape for your home.
Leaf Cleanup
Almost no one likes to clean up leaves in the fall time. We understand that, and are here to help. So whether you have begun cleaning up your leaves, or if your yard hasn’t been touched, our staff will get your yard looking in tip top shape. After the first visit of cleaning up and cutting back your landscape plants, we will get started on those pesky leaves on the 1-2 visits more that we make to your home. Since leaves continue to fall throughout the season, our fall cleanup service consists of multiple visits in order to make sure that your home looks pristine.